(HOUSTON, TX) – April 19, 2023 – Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C. (Munsch Hardt) is proud to announce Litigation Shareholder Richard A. “Dick” Schwartz has been elected to receive the American Inns of Court James E. Coleman Professionalism Award for the Fifth Circuit.
This prestigious award is given each year in participating federal circuits to a lawyer or judge whose life and practice display sterling character, unquestioned integrity, as well as an ongoing dedication to the highest standards of the legal profession and the rule of law. Candidates are submitted through circuit-wide open nominations and selected by a panel of representatives from both the circuit and the American Inns of Court. Dick’s nomination was supported by current and former members of the Garland Walker Inn of Court, the Houston Bar Association, the Federal Bar Association, a former President of the State Bar of Texas, numerous current and former judges, the Dean of the University of Houston Law Center and one his pro bono clients. With concurrence and participation of the Chief Judge of the circuit, the award is presented at the circuit judicial conference.
Based in Houston, Texas, Schwartz is considered a “go-to” litigator in the energy field. Over the course of his distinguished career, he has tried more than 65 cases across the country including Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, New York and California. He represents clients in state and federal courts in various types of disputes, including complex commercial litigation, breach of contract, business break-ups, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, insurance, environmental, labor and employment, intellectual property, securities, personal injury and professional liability matters.
Schwartz serves as an Adjunct Professor at The University of Houston Law Center, where he teaches a course on the legal and ethical responsibilities of members of the legal profession. He also is serving his second term as Chair of the State Bar of Texas District 4 Grievance Committee.
Over the years, Schwartz has been heavily involved with the American Inns of Court. He was a founding member of the Garland Walker Inn of Court, and is currently serving his second term as the Executive Director. He also served as the Fifth Circuit Trustee for the National Inns of Court Foundation for eight years, which strives to promote, establish and charter American Inns of Court as well as ensure the participation and continuity of existing Inns. In 2022, Schwartz was the recipient of the “Leader of Distinction” award in recognition of his exceptional devotion to the American Inns of Court at the local and national level.
“I would like to extend a sincere and heartfelt congratulations to Dick on being recognized with this esteemed and highly sought-after award,” said Phil C. Appenzeller, Chief Executive Officer of Munsch Hardt. “After forty years of unwavering commitment not only to his career but also to his clients, Dick’s continuous hard work makes this award more than well-deserved.”
The award will be presented at the 2023 Judicial Conference of the Fifth Circuit on May 8th and then recognized in the National Inns of Court Foundation Celebration of Excellence at the U.S. Supreme Court on October 28th.